Hallo aus Tokio

Hier findet Ihr unsere Abenteuer aus 1000 und einer (?) Nacht in Tokio - diese Aufenthaltsdauer dürfte so in etwa hinkommen.

21 Oktober 2006

Run for the Cure

We did it! We expected many more people to be there, but we enjoyed the male cheerleaders nonetheless! It was fun and Karen even ran the whole course with a cold. I think I ran my personal best - an unbelievably fast 30 minutes ;-).


  • At 21 Oktober, 2006, Blogger Pat said…

    Congratulations! You look great and it sounds like you had good times.

    Your post was in English! Was that on purpose?
    I like your countdown to your exam.

  • At 26 Oktober, 2006, Anonymous Anonym said…

    Well done! And your new shoes dindn't make you crie?


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